Frequently Asked Questions About Floatation
in Mackay

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If you have any questions about what it’s like to enjoy a session of floatation tank therapy at The Elm Tree in Mackay or how you can prepare, we are happy to answer your calls. We’ve also included a list answering some of the more frequently asked questions.

A Floatation Tank is a light-free and soundproof relaxation pod. The Pod is filled with 10 to 12 inches of water and has 500kgs of Magnesium Sulphate dissolved in it, making the density of the water so great you cannot sink and become ultra buoyant. Floating your way into meditative bliss, you float effortlessly, almost like a zero-gravity state, relieving all pressure from any aching joints or muscles. Floatation Tanks are also known as sensory deprivation tanks, as distractions from outside stimuli are switched off while in the Float Pod, allowing you to rest truly. The Float Pod water is kept at a constant 35 degrees, which is optimum for the core temperature to rest. You awake from a Float session totally rejuvenated and ready to take on anything with motivation, energy and a clear focus.

The sessions we offer start at 1 hour, 1.5 hours and 2 hours – all float sessions come with the choice of meditative or hypnotherapy music that you can switch on or off inside the tank at your leisure. 30-minute pregnancy float session ($50). Please allow an extra 30 minutes on top of your nominated float session to account for the time necessary for introducing floating and the pre & post-float shower requirements.

All you need to do is bring a hairbrush & deodorant. Otherwise, everything else is supplied & complimentary. You float naked in the privacy of your assigned float room, so there is no need to bring swimwear.

The Float tanks come well equipped with several features to maintain the hygiene of the water. The main filter device is a custom-built stainless steel enclosure holding a replaceable 10-micron filter bag, capable of filtering debris in the water as small as ¼ the size of the diameter of a human hair. The water is also pumped through a UV light sterilisation cycle, filtered for a solid 30 minutes continuously, then given a dose of hydrogen peroxide. The Float Pods, float rooms, shower facilities and room amenities are cleaned thoroughly by our friendly staff using high-grade disinfectants.

No, you do not have to close the lid. Many people are worried that they will feel claustrophobic – but once a person sees the floatation pods and realises just how big they are, they no longer fear closing the lid. The floatee is always in control of their session, so if at any stage you want the lid open, all you have to do is give it a nudge, and it will open for you. Please keep in mind though – leaving the lid open may cause you to feel cooler.

Since you will be floating in the complete privacy of your own room – you do not need to wear anything in the tank. Anything that you do wear in the tank can be restricting and can become a distraction.

Most definitely. At the rate of the current solution, you would have to weigh more than 1500kgs to possibly even make a dent in the water.

It is no problem if you cannot swim or float. The ultra buoyancy will take care of that for you, cradling you as you float effortlessly and enjoy the relaxation benefits of Floatation Therapy.

You do not need to wear contacts or glasses while inside the float tank – in fact we highly suggest you do not wear contacts. Please bring your case with you to your appointment to take them out or just don’t wear them.

Floating while pregnant can be very comforting, relieving the aches & pains of mothers-to-be. However, we recommend floating only in the 2nd & 3rd trimesters, and Dr’s approval must be obtained prior. Also, a reduced 30-minute session is recommended. The baby tends to get restless after this time limit and starts to kick mummy quite a bit! Yes, they already know how to get your attention when you’re ultra-relaxed!

No. For hygiene reasons, we ask that you reschedule to a time when you are not menstruating.

No, please follow your tattooist’s instructions and wait 6-8 weeks before floating.

Please ensure your hair runs clear in the shower for the last few washes before floating. Generally, two weeks after your initial colour treatment is a safe time, allowing the colour to set and the residual to be washed off in your shower at home.

It is physically possible to have two people in one float tank – but we do not permit it. Once you have had your session on your own, you’ll understand that the experience is quite personal.

You must be 16 or over to float. 16-18 must have the presence of a parent or guardian available in the centre throughout the Float session.

We will not allow you to float if you:

  • Have infectious skin or respiratory disorders
  • Have open wounds or recent tattoos
  • Have incontinence
  • Have uncontrolled epilepsy or serious mental conditions
  • Are a high-risk pregnancy
  • Have coloured or permed your hair in the past 2 weeks
  • Are under the influence of any drugs or alcohol
  • Are currently menstruating
  • Are under the age of 18 without parental consent

You must be able to lift your own body weight in and out of the pod un-assisted.

No, we offer makeup remover wipes to take it off before having a shower.

At the end of the session, there is an automated voice that comes on to let you know your session is over. If you don’t hear her the biggest indicator is the water becomes disturbed, and you will hear the pump turn on.

It’s completely fine if you fall asleep. You will still have the same benefits. The water will become disturbed, and the pumps will come on at the end of your session to let you know your time is finished.

Yes, but you will need to follow a few precautions. We suggest fully wetting your hair with fresh water before and after your entering the float pod. This is to ensure that the hair doesn’t absorb as much saltwater during your session. Also, a rinse with white vinegar is a common way of removing any salt residue.

No, this is a personal preference. We do, however, recommend wearing them because the salt can become a mud-like substance and can be very hard to get out of your ears.

No, the salt in the water can be very uncomfortable. We ask you to wait until it is healed to come in for a session.

In the floatation pods, we have a spray bottle of fresh water easily accessible. If salt water does get into your eyes (which is very common), all you need to do is grab the spray bottle and give it a few sprays to reduce the stinging.

Let your troubles float away, call us on 4944 1869.

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